So you are ready to transplant your first tree and move it to a new location! What can you expect in relocating the tree? Engaging in thorough tree preparation, including site and soil preparation for tree planting, is crucial. Here are some of our best tips so you can understand the essentials of tree planting preparation and how to move a tree.
The Day Before:
Just like preparing for a blood donation, you should make sure your tree is well-hydrated before the move. This step is vital for tree preparation, making sure it is in tip-top shape, as well as lubricating the soil to aid in the digging of the hole. Using a wand or sprayer, you'll want to put around 50-100 gallons of water down on and around the tree. Your goal for the soil preparation is to hydrate it down to about 5 feet (more for larger trees), without flooding the surrounding ground which may get the spading truck stuck. You'll also want to hydrate the receiving destination. Again, this is to make the digging process easier as well as keep the surrounding soil moist for the trees roots in the new location. Ideally, you'll want to run your hose with a sprinkler head around the tree for at least 20 minutes the day before. Ensuring that the site preparation for tree planting is complete, confirm that the area around the tree is flat and level, and any surrounding fences, retaining walls, or other hazards are moved to allow for a minimum 6-8 feet radius around the tree to be clear for the spade to 'bear hug' around the tree for the dig.The Day Of:
When moving a tree, typically we will first dig the receiving hole where the tree will end up. This 'plug' of dirt can be put into a pod for later use (typically this extra equipment may add to the cost), or in some cases will just be dropped next to the tree, to be pushed in with a loader later by the customer or your onsite excavators. Keep in mind, this plug of dirt can be 4-12,000 pounds or more and it is recommended you use the right equipment to put it back in the hole if necessary. Be available and onsite to facilitate our operators for access and any clarifications that may be necessary. Further, they can provide you with tips on tree care and aftercare. Once the tree is moved to it's new location, we'll dump about 100 gallons of water in the hole as we set it in the ground to make sure it stays well hydrated, and is compacted firmly in the ground. We recommend that trees be staked into the ground at at least four points for the first year to prevent it from blowing over in extreme winds. After about a year, the tree's stabilizing roots will grow into the native soil and begin to keep the tree standing.Post Move Care:
While many trees naturally grow without irrigation or drip lines, after they are moved, we recommend regular watering to help ensure the tree stays hydrated and to facilitate the rapid growth of new roots. Additional tree spraying or fertilizing can be beneficial but is not required for trees to survive the move. See more Post Move Care for your tree See more Post Move Care for your tree hereQuestions? Call us today!
Contact Us - transplanting, moving, removal and relocation - what we do best! If you have a question about your project, as us today!